Re: お悔やみ


なし Re: お悔やみ

msg# 1.1
前の投稿 - 次の投稿 | 親投稿 - 子投稿なし | 投稿日時 2010/8/27 6:55 | 最終変更
DJZ    投稿数: 329
I just read the translated version of that last blog entry, and if it helps Kon-san rest better, I don't mind that he kept quiet about his condition. In fact, I admire that he went to the trouble of making it look like nothing had changed, when it must have been a lot of work for him. He really cared about our feelings and his projects to the very end, when he rightfully had no obligation to continue worrying about either one of them. Forget rank, equipment, or lineage. This man, in my eyes, embodied the real bushido spirit, and I'd like to have that same stength and courage when my time is up. I know your last film was unfinished, but I almost feel like I know what you were trying to say with this last message. So thank you for everything, Kon-sama. :(

I wish you had made the New York Times for a different reason.
NHK mention.
The CBC, too.
This storyhas such a sad head-shot. :(
The guy behind your book, "Satoshi Kon: The Illusionist" wrote a column at .
A photo I've never seen of him before.
Ikuhara-san, Hirasawa-san, and Maruyama-san have also tweeted their condolences, and I'm sure there's a number of people I've left out.
You're also in our hearts on and on and .
Kon-san made the L.A. Times where one of the "How to Train Your Dragon" directors made the following statement:

"Satoshi Kon used the hand-drawn medium to explore social stigmas and the human psyche, casting a light on our complexities in ways that might have failed in live action. Much of it was gritty, intense, and at times, even nightmarish. Kon didn't shy away from mature subject matter or live-action sensibilities in his work, and his films will always occupy a fascinating middle ground between 'cartoons' and the world as we know it."

Related quote from Kon-san: 引用:
"That quivering identity seems very ordinary in Japan, which does not have an absolute religion like Christianity, but multiple nature gods and goddesses. I'm sitting in L.A., answering your questions, but in my mind, I may be remembering work left in Tokyo and wondering what's going to be for lunch today. Other people cannot experience that. So the experiences of the heroines in 'Millennium Actress' and 'Perfect Blue' could not normally be shared with an audience."

Edit: I remember Kon-san mentioned this guy cosplaying him for a fake interview in one of his older entries. He seemed amused at the interpretation.
AMV set to Copacabana.
Girl who cosplayed and sang as Eva Friedel from Memories.

This guy who interviewed Kon-san told me about a non-profit with a Japanese branch which deals with pancreatic cancers.
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