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投稿数: 329
ZYL-san(?) might want to help me out on this one.
I've complained about it before, but Kon-san never did get acknowledged by the Academy Awards and Annie Awards when he was alive. The latter is an event run by American animation guilds which votes on animation released in the U.S. Unfortunately, it tends to be rigged in favor of its own films and shows, with only Miyazaki's movies ever really getting in[Though there were exceptions, like Yoko Kanno's music getting nominated for Wolf's Rain.], because of his Disney connections. [As opposed to the Tokyo International Film Festival, which wasn't afraid to give awards to foreign animated movies.] And you're all familiar with the former organization, as Departures was apparently your country's first film to win here, since Ran just wasn't good enough. [Sarcasm.]
Anyway, from what I've gathered, Best Foreign Films have to be submitted by the country in question, so is there any way you can contact your cultural minister(?) about "leaning on" the Academy to acknowledge Kon in a future telecast, and/or for a possible Honorary Oscar, please? [Kurosawa got one of those once, too.] Also, if you are able to, could you please see if you can e-mail the Annies and Oscars to get them to consider said awards, too?
I've complained about it before, but Kon-san never did get acknowledged by the Academy Awards and Annie Awards when he was alive. The latter is an event run by American animation guilds which votes on animation released in the U.S. Unfortunately, it tends to be rigged in favor of its own films and shows, with only Miyazaki's movies ever really getting in[Though there were exceptions, like Yoko Kanno's music getting nominated for Wolf's Rain.], because of his Disney connections. [As opposed to the Tokyo International Film Festival, which wasn't afraid to give awards to foreign animated movies.] And you're all familiar with the former organization, as Departures was apparently your country's first film to win here, since Ran just wasn't good enough. [Sarcasm.]
Anyway, from what I've gathered, Best Foreign Films have to be submitted by the country in question, so is there any way you can contact your cultural minister(?) about "leaning on" the Academy to acknowledge Kon in a future telecast, and/or for a possible Honorary Oscar, please? [Kurosawa got one of those once, too.] Also, if you are able to, could you please see if you can e-mail the Annies and Oscars to get them to consider said awards, too?
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Alright, got the following from the Annies, at least : Please contact...president of ASIFA-Hollywood with your request [to get Kon nominated for an honorary award]. You might also consider nominating him for one of the Juried Awards. Information on these awards is on the Annies Website - Antran's email is:
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Might I suggest using your Dreamworks connections to contact that How To Train Your Dragon guy for this one?
From :
From :
Recommendations are being accepted for the Winsor McCay Award.
The Winsor McCay Award may be awarded to a maximum of three individuals in recognition of lifetime or career contributions to the art of animation in producing, directing, animating, design, writing, voice acting, sound and sound effects, technical work, music, professional teaching, or for other endeavors which exhibit outstanding contributions to excellence in animation.
An entry fee is not required to recommend a person for a Winsor McCay Award. However, the person submitting the application must be a member of ASIFA-Hollywood. Membership to ASIFA-Hollywood is $75, or $100 if the person is residing outside the United States.
The deadline to submit Winsor McCay Award recommendations is Friday, October 15, 2010.
Click here to submit a Winsor McCay Award Recommendation.
投稿数: 329
Not much news, but Crunchyroll and Otakon are working together to send in letters and cards from fans. I've also tweeted Leo to get Nolan and Aronofsky to do the same. ^_-
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Update: Don't know why it happened, but when I showed that Perfect Blue/Black Swan mash-up to Fox Searchlight(Swan's distributor) on Twitter, they actually followed me. So I took the time to Tweet them this message(minus most of the links):
You can also contact the company @ its site...
Hey, Darren wasn't being cool about Satoshi Kon + PB. You know, the company which produced PB could really use his name-dropping. I mean, even Nolan-albeit indirectly-acknowledged Kon. If Swan wins an Oscar or two, the fans, Kon's family and Madhouse would really appreciate either Kon or PB being mentioned in the acceptance speech. It wasn't too tough for Marty when he remade Infernal Affairs, and he's got a longer legacy than Lau. And even Sofia Coppola got into the act with Wong Kar Wai, and I barely notice his style in Lost in Translation. I know Darren's not as "geeky" as the Wachowskis, and maybe he and Nolan don't wanna be perceived as such, which is why it might be beneath them to like "cartoons", but if Darren really did go to the trouble of getting the remake rights for PB then he obviously must have had some respect for that film which transcends its medium. You do know that Madonna also used
clips of PB in her Drowned World tour, right? I don't expect her to acknowledge Kon, 'cus she was already doing him a favor by incorporating it in her video, but Darren is just pulling that Disney Kimba/Simba denial shit right now, and I don't think it'll make him look good in the long run. At least, unlike Tarantino, he's honest about remaking an obscure Asian film, but he's still equally ungrateful.
You can also contact the company @ its site...
投稿数: 329
Apparently, at least in America, November is Pancreatic Cancer Month. So if anyone wants to submit a Be a Hero video in honor or story of Kon-san, now's your chance. If it helps, Patrick Swayze's wife has already contributed to the site.
投稿数: 329
Just Kon-san before he was even working on Memories or was even a name in Japan or the U.S. Here ( )he is included among the Japanese artists for the U.S. edition of Akira published by Marvel. [Click on it to make it bigger.] It's not really common for the assistants to be mentioned in American editions of manga. [I'm not sure about how it works in Japan, but I just found out it's the same.] But Marvel wasn't a manga publisher, so I guess they thought Akira was special enough to merit the staffers' names. This is on the last U.S. volume of the manga, by the way. If I recall, this series was completed in the U.S. just after Roujin Z, but a few years before Memories.
彼はマーベルで公開されて明の米国版と日本のアーティストの中に含まれています。これは、アシスタントが漫画のアメリカ版に記載されているように、本当に共通ではない。しかし、マーベルので、私は彼らがアキラは十分なスタッフの名前に値する特別なものだったと思ったね、マンガ出版社ではなかった[私はそれが日本でどのように働くのか、それは同じだから私が発見した。わからない]が。これはある意味で漫画の最後の米ボリュームを利用しています。私が覚えている場合、このシリーズは、思い出数年前には、Roujin Zの直後に米国で完成した
Just got tweeted by @edgarwright [Director of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Scott Pilgrim.] when he praised Swan and I recommended PB: 引用:
He just messaged me when I wanted to verify his comment, and he referred to PB as "great".
彼はマーベルで公開されて明の米国版と日本のアーティストの中に含まれています。これは、アシスタントが漫画のアメリカ版に記載されているように、本当に共通ではない。しかし、マーベルので、私は彼らがアキラは十分なスタッフの名前に値する特別なものだったと思ったね、マンガ出版社ではなかった[私はそれが日本でどのように働くのか、それは同じだから私が発見した。わからない]が。これはある意味で漫画の最後の米ボリュームを利用しています。私が覚えている場合、このシリーズは、思い出数年前には、Roujin Zの直後に米国で完成した
Just got tweeted by @edgarwright [Director of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and Scott Pilgrim.] when he praised Swan and I recommended PB: 引用:
I've seen Perfect Blue, back in 1998 on the big screen.
He just messaged me when I wanted to verify his comment, and he referred to PB as "great".
投稿数: 329
Sorry, Kon-san didn't make it. But let's petition for him next year.
投稿数: 329
From @catsuka and @animeresearch :
Yesterday, Forum des Images (Paris) screened a little film about Satoshi Kon's life, made by Rintaro. Thanks to him, and Madhouse.
投稿数: 329
I guess someone did a wiki to Kon-san.
Update: Kon-san made TIME 2010's People of the Year under fond farewell.
Direct story here.
Update: Kon-san made TIME 2010's People of the Year under fond farewell.
Direct story here.
投稿数: 329
Via @aicnanime , Tokyo Godfathers fan art. Ticket stub Kon-san autographed for me when he was in L.A.
投稿数: 329
From The Arts Desk:
There have been many sad film-related deaths this year, but the one that made me saddest was that of Satoshi Kon. The brilliant Japanese anime director of films like Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress and Paprika (pictured above) died on 24 August of pancreatic cancer at the age of 46, in his creative prime. His final blog entries are a heartbreaking record of his terminal illness, yet also offer a curiously uplifting celebration of the human spirit in the face of approaching death. "Now excuse me, I have to go."
“Con il cuore colmo di gratitudine verso tutto ciò che esiste di buono a questo mondo, ora poso la penna. Vogliate scusarmi, ora devo andare”. A due giorni dall’annuncio della morte del grande Satoshi Kon, viene pubblicata postuma sul suo blog personale una straordinaria e toccante lettera d’addio del regista.
投稿数: 329
@Mizugucchi_ linked a Plixi pic of the book.
投稿数: 329
Note that I like Hosoda-san and Summer Wars, and thus do not agree with the actual opinion of this review. But it is interesting that it got brought up.
With that in mind, from Philadelphia Weekly:
Also, another Summer Wars review mentions Kon, albeit sans the trashing of SW:
With that in mind, from Philadelphia Weekly:
Yes, I know: Why didn’t Tron: Legacy do this? For what it’s worth, Mamoru Hosada’s Summer Wars only passably exploits its excellent premise, a successful digital update of War Games. Noisy and often brainless when it should be brainy, it’s a poor man’s imitation of animator Satoshi Kon, whose Paprika serves as some, but not enough, visual inspiration.
Also, another Summer Wars review mentions Kon, albeit sans the trashing of SW:
I really should have known: it’s only the latest award-winning release from Madhouse, the Japanese animation studio responsible for The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (also by Hosoda) and all of Satoshi Kon’s work up until his death...
...What Summer Wars restores to the superflat aesthetic, missing in much of Murakami’s art, is that quintessential personability present in Natsuki’s family of Web 2.0 participants. In Kon’s Paprika, we saw the digital space becoming a cacophony of meaningless artifacts, but Hosoda’s Summer Wars optimistically shows us a digitization that maintains its links to the past...
投稿数: 329
Interesting cosplay re-enactment. Interesting article I got off @isaacada1 and @comicsalliance which illustrates an ideal world where animated films were allowed to expand to other Oscar nominations, Junko Iwao would be eligible for Best Voice Actress for her role as Mima Kirigoe in Perfect Blue, and Paprika would actually be a contender for Best Animated Film.
投稿数: 329
Tweeted by @animeresearch and @catsuka : 引用:
He didn't get a mention in the "In Memoriam" segment, but Movieline was rooting for Kon-san.
Missed this one from a month ago about the biggest Oscar snubs of the last decade:
引用:7。 (2003)東京ゴッドファーザーズ:最高の機能アニメイテッド
最高の長編アニメーション部門は、インスタントピクサーに勝つと考えられた戻る前に、この賞は第一長編アニメーションオスカーを拾って賢い(おそらくあまりにも巧妙な)シュレックと新鮮な空気を吸い込んでいた宮崎駿監督の千と千尋の神隠し、UMは...神隠し第二。それは(現在の後期)のアニメの伝説今敏さんは全く忘れられない東京ゴッドファーザーズ上全く忘れディズニー映画ブラザーベアを指名したときしかし、2004年のノミネートは私たちのカテゴリーの歴史の中で最初の偉大な冷遇を与えた。 、障害が発生した父暴走十代のドラッグクイーン - - 映画は、1948年映画3人の名付親の近代的なリメイク、三ホームレスの人々の話をクリスマスイブに赤ちゃんとの闘争を見つけるの子の世話をして、見つけて、親を。たぶんそれは、またはスリーメン&ベビーのように聞こえるかもしれないがちょっと退屈に聞こえるが、今敏さんの熟練の手の中にフィルムがあなたが合うことができるよりもひねりを落とす何よりも心、笑いと顎でいっぱいスリリングな傑作が不足している成長クマ...兄弟またはそれ以外の場合。が、おそらく、とにかく賞を受賞しているかの指名は、彼の次の機能は、SFのmindbenderパプリカを鼻であしらわ程度にアメリカで上昇敏のステータスを持っているだろうファインディング可能性があります検索だけでなくカテゴリのチャンスを立っていた。今敏は、指名されなかった残念ながら2010年に死亡した。
Via @aicnanime and @catsuka, photos of the Paris tribute here.
Osamu Kobayashi said to me that he enjoyed the Satoshi Kon exhibition at Japan Expo Sud festival[in Paris] (Kon was his friend)
He didn't get a mention in the "In Memoriam" segment, but Movieline was rooting for Kon-san.
Missed this one from a month ago about the biggest Oscar snubs of the last decade:
7. BEST ANIMATED FEATURE: Tokyo Godfathers (2003)
Back before the Best Animated Feature category was considered an instant-win for Pixar, the award was a breath of fresh air with the clever (perhaps too clever) Shrek picking up the first Animated Feature Oscar and Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away, um… spiriting away the second. But the 2004 nominations gave us the first great snub in the category’s history when it nominated the utterly forgettable Disney flick Brother Bear over the (now late) anime legend Satoshi Kon’s utterly unforgettable Tokyo Godfathers. The film, a modern remake of the 1948 film Three Godfathers, told the story of three homeless people – a failed father, teenaged runaway and drag queen – who find a baby on Christmas Eve and struggle to take care of the child and find its parents. Maybe it sounds like Three Men & A Baby, or maybe it sounds a little boring, but in Satoshi Kon’s adept hands the film is nothing short of a thrilling masterpiece, filled with more heart, laughs and jaw-dropping twists than you could fit in a grown bear… fraternal or otherwise. Finding Nemo probably would have won the award anyway, but a nomination would have elevated Satoshi Kon’s status in America to the extent that his next feature, the snubbed sci-fi mindbender Paprika, might have stood a chance in the category as well. Satoshi Kon was never nominated, and sadly died in 2010.
引用:7。 (2003)東京ゴッドファーザーズ:最高の機能アニメイテッド
最高の長編アニメーション部門は、インスタントピクサーに勝つと考えられた戻る前に、この賞は第一長編アニメーションオスカーを拾って賢い(おそらくあまりにも巧妙な)シュレックと新鮮な空気を吸い込んでいた宮崎駿監督の千と千尋の神隠し、UMは...神隠し第二。それは(現在の後期)のアニメの伝説今敏さんは全く忘れられない東京ゴッドファーザーズ上全く忘れディズニー映画ブラザーベアを指名したときしかし、2004年のノミネートは私たちのカテゴリーの歴史の中で最初の偉大な冷遇を与えた。 、障害が発生した父暴走十代のドラッグクイーン - - 映画は、1948年映画3人の名付親の近代的なリメイク、三ホームレスの人々の話をクリスマスイブに赤ちゃんとの闘争を見つけるの子の世話をして、見つけて、親を。たぶんそれは、またはスリーメン&ベビーのように聞こえるかもしれないがちょっと退屈に聞こえるが、今敏さんの熟練の手の中にフィルムがあなたが合うことができるよりもひねりを落とす何よりも心、笑いと顎でいっぱいスリリングな傑作が不足している成長クマ...兄弟またはそれ以外の場合。が、おそらく、とにかく賞を受賞しているかの指名は、彼の次の機能は、SFのmindbenderパプリカを鼻であしらわ程度にアメリカで上昇敏のステータスを持っているだろうファインディング可能性があります検索だけでなくカテゴリのチャンスを立っていた。今敏は、指名されなかった残念ながら2010年に死亡した。
Via @aicnanime and @catsuka, photos of the Paris tribute here.
投稿数: 329
Roland Kelts seems to confirm he's hosting a Satoshi Kon tribute at the Smithsonian on April 2.
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Some enterprising fan on the ANN forums found the link for the event, which takes place in D.C.
Date Saturday, April 2, 2011, 11 am
Categories Films
Venue Freer Gallery
Event Location Meyer Auditorium
Cost Seating for films is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Auditorium doors will open approximately 30 minutes before each show.
Details Immerse yourself in anime culture with a full day of film screenings, music, costume events, special guests, and a tribute to the late filmmaker Satoshi Kon, who visited the marathon in 2007. This event is cosponsored by the Japan Information and Culture Center, Embassy of Japan, and Otakorp, Inc., and is copresented with the DC Anime Club. Detailed schedule information will be posted in March.
投稿数: 329
@DarylSurat is doing a Kon panel at Anime Boston this month.
@rolandkelts noted the following when I asked him about his D.C. tribute: "You'd have loved the applause when I mentioned PB/BS & Paprika/Inception."
@rolandkelts noted the following when I asked him about his D.C. tribute: "You'd have loved the applause when I mentioned PB/BS & Paprika/Inception."
投稿数: 329 had a category for the top 5 dream movies which aren't Inception, including Paprika. List here.
投稿数: 329
I was not aware of this, but there was an American site which had an obituary to Kon-san.
投稿数: 329